• What:
    International Collaborative Dance Film Unit for secondary/teenage dance students.

    How to Join:
    Message me: dancerOWNED@gmail.com to have your students join The Journey.

    Connect dance students around the world.
  • What:
    International Collaborative Dance Film Unit for secondary/teenage dance students.

    How to Join:
    Message me: dancerOWNED@gmail.com to have your students join The Journey.

    Connect dance students around the world.

International Collaborative DANCE FILM Unit 

Practice as research through a historical, personal, and international lens. 
The Journey Dance Unit has dancers exploring the idea of journeys through three different lenses: a dancer from the past, their personal dance/life journey, and through connecting with a dancer from a different country. Dancers from different schools and different parts of the world will work through the same unit sharing videos and reflections. Each dancer or group of dancers, will create a dance film. The unit itself will go on a journey from location to location with new students adding their dance films to the collection.